Personality Profile Reports

All reports generated within the Hire Success System are in HTML format. Each report can be printed to a printer or as a PDF to be saved locally on your computer.

If it is important to allow multiple users access to reports, yet you don't want or need for them to have a login for Hire Success, simply print the report as a PDF and then forward it on to them. Many companies will have managers or other people responsible for the hiring decision located in other offices and other geographic locations. By saving Hire Success reports as PDF files and publishing them to your website or local area network, you can provide access to the reports from any computer or another device. This means users can access this vital information regardless of what device or operating system they are using, provided they can access the Internet or your company's local area network. Note: We strongly recommend a secure area requiring a user ID and password to access reports over the web or local area network.

Hire Success reports take advantage of the sharing abilities of the internet and color printing to provide a colorful, yet professional report that puts vital information at the fingertips of authorized individuals within your organization who may be responsible for interviewing and making hiring decisions. If reports are printed on a black and white printer, it will be important to make sure the printer is set to print graphics in "grayscale" to assure the highest quality reproduction.

The Following Links provide additional detail about the 3 Standard Reports you receive via email from the Hire Success Service Bureau:

With Hire Success, you can create any number of "Baselines" and apply these Baselines to any Applicant or Employee's Report. This special Report is called the "Baseline Summary Report". Click the link below for more details about this report generated by this System: